Maps of Athens

Some useful maps of Athens

Some of the maps from Google you might want to see before your trip in Athens:

AthensAttractions is a map including pinpoints for most of the usual attractions. Map includes museums locations and metro stations too.  It is not possible to visit all of these in the average duration visit. So, some compromises are needed

Acropolis and Agora walk: Is a reference map for a half day trip to the Acropolis of Athens, later on to the area of the Ancient Market

Acropolis entrances and ways to go up: is a map showing alternatives way to go up to Acropolis and where the ticket counters are.

Athens areas: is a map that outlines where the usually referred Athens areas are.

Athens Museums: Is a map containing the bigger museums with metro visits. Generally it’s the same map in which you walk and requires a day with your visit.

Main Sites and relation to subway stations: is a new map, showing the major sites and which subway station to use and how to walk from station to site entrance.

 Athens freebies and other: is a map of things to see 24/7 or do for free in Athens

Athens Eats: You have read about them, you have analyzed them, you want to visit them. Happy research or should we say “Bon Appetite”?